Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDot)
& Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO)
The purpose of the WisDOT and Lac du Flambeau Tribal Historic Preservation Project website is to showcase the unique collaborative partnership between WisDOT and Wisconsin State Tribes.
The Tribal Historic Preservation Project has been on the forefront in organizing and providing opportunities for Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPOs), Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) staff and other stakeholders to network and strengthen relationships.
The LDF Tribal Historic Preservation Office has been responsible for organizing and facilitating meetings in various tribal communities throughout the year since the launch of the project. The meetings included the WisDOT Statewide Tribal Liaison, WisDOT Regional Tribal Liaisons, Wisconsin THPOs and a variety of tribal representatives. On occasion, other stakeholders such as the Wisconsin Historical Society (SHS) and other WisDOT staff attend as well.

Lake Butte des Morts Causeway
Who Can Benefit From This Program?

Tribal and local government representatives who work in planning, roads, natural resources, cultural resources/historic preservation, economic development; WisDOT staff (regional liaisons, environmental coordinators, project managers, designers, safety); Construction industry representatives, business owners, and consultants; Utility industry representatives, business owners, and consultants; and other organizations and agencies that work in the natural resources and cultural resources industries.
The Tribal Historic Preservation Project has several goals including:
- Enhance relationships between WisDOT and WITRC/THPOs;
- Conduct a comprehensive review and revision of WisDOT archaeological/historical procedures and policies;
- Develop new WisDOT/Tribal policies, protocols and procedures regarding the treatment of cultural significant resources;
- Inform others of the pilot projects via a project website;
- Hold annual Listening Sessions to bring together cultural resources stakeholders; and
- Provide training and technical assistance.
For additional information on the WisDOT Tribal Historic Preservation project, click below and fill out the form.